The Healing Power of Plants
We always knew Manglier Tea cured fever, flu, colds, congestion, made you sweat at night, and tastes horrible - but IT WORKED! In a recent study Manglier Tea has been found to fight inflammation and is antiviral and an adaptogen (... in other words - Manglier Tea can help you build your immune system and fight viruses).
“As an adult I have made tea from the bitter-tasting manglier plant, which is a medium-sized bush or scrub. It worked well; I sweated out the fever and felt refreshed. ... It has three very distinct leaf patterns on the same plant. The leaves are also used for making tea, and they can be used as a dressing for insect bites.”
Source: www.theadvertiser.com
Dr. Steve has been researching Manglier Tea (Scientific Name: Baccharis halimifolia L.) (Common Name: Groundsel Bush) for over 30+ years. Dr. Steven T. Castille has completed clinical research studies on the health benefits of Manglier Tea using thermography medical imaging and the data has been published in numerous articles of Natural Awakenings Magazine Acadiana Edition.
Thermography medical imaging is an infrared imaging that is non-invasive (a non-radiation method) that can measure the heat given off of the surface of the body and create heat maps. It is being used clinically in other situations and for our study. Computer analysis of the measured heat maps can be used to detect changes in the intestine, lungs, and respiratory tract as a result of infections associated with the swelling or tissue destruction involved in long term inflammation.
"The active ingredient of Manglier Tea is Baccharis Oxide - determined using high pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and inductive coupled plasma analysis. Baccharis Oxide is a triterpenoid (a highly multifunctional compound) with very strong antiviral capability.The many general traditional medicinal uses of Baccharis include the treatment of bacterial/fungal infections. This plant works to increase the body’s immune response and fight infections. This is why Manglier Tea has a 200+ history in creole, native american, and cajun cultures for use during cold, flu, and respiratory related infections." - Dr. Steven T. Castille, 2010 Natural Awakenings Health Expo Lafayette, Louisiana